Dave’s experience with ketamine treatment for depression
Ketamine obviously isn’t a non-prescription therapy, but it is far enough outside the mainstream, and promising enough, that I (the editor) jumped at the chance to hear about it.

User supplement reviews: a valuable research tool
For years I’ve used the customer reviews at online health food stores to learn about experiences other people were having with various supplements and health issues.

How to speed up your health research
(Updated April 2023.) I first started my self-experiments with nutritional therapy two decades ago, when internet searches for “XYZ deficiency symptoms” landed me on sites featuring iguanas, Yorkshire terriers, cockatiels, and, on one auspicious day, a Colin Farrell sex tape.

Therapies and treatments we’ve tried
(Updated Mar 2023.) This website originally focused on self-experimenting with nutritional therapy, using supplements available at healthfood stores. Eventually I widened my horizons and tried out these modalities or approaches.