(Links updated May 2023.)

An April 2011 Vogue article, “Bitter Pills,” mentions two U.S. clinics that focus on nutritional treatment for depression. (The article is behind a paywall.)
When the article was written, the first clinic was called Recovery Systems Clinic in Mill Valley, California. It originally focused on treating drug addiction. I remember looking at it when I was first starting my medical experiments to end my depression. I couldn’t afford the trip out there, though. The founder is psychologist Julia Ross, M.A., who is the author of The Mood Cure and The Diet Cure, both of which I have found helpful.
I can’t find evidence that it exists anymore, but here’s Julia Ross’ website … maybe you can find something that works on there.
The other is the Whole Psychiatry & Brain Recovery Center (formerly the National Center for Whole Psychiatry) in Chevy Chase, Maryland.
The author of the Vogue article uses the words food and nutrients interchangeably, which is annoying, but who’s quibbling. I usually look askance at these types of articles because they end up touting the promise of some single, minor substance like blueberries or miso or cordyceps mushrooms, but here the author mentions many of the supplements/substances that I myself had the most success with.
Image: Remix by MRhea of detail of Edgar Degas’ “The Absinthe Drinker,” 1876. {{PD-art}}.
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The content on this page was first posted in December 2012 and updated in May 2023.