
Animations: another nutritional therapy research resource

I don’t usually cover the cellular-biology end of nutritional therapy because 1) who cares and 2) I don’t know what I’m talking about, but I came across this animation of how magnesium and calcium work together and was surprised to find it interesting. It helped cement my understanding of the minerals’ roles in the body.

I started searching for similar videos and found this illustration of the sodium and potassium pump. It also mentions ATP, which you might be familiar with if you have had to investigate chronic fatigue.

Many of the videos I found in my very short survey were too technical for me, too marketing-y, or used too much narration. In other words, the usual internet garbage-to-gold ratio, but you can find engaging and entertaining fare. One high-school student used his pet turtles in his sodium-potassium pump animation.

When this content was published

The content on this page was first posted in October 2011, and updated in August 2022 and April 2023.

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