A stack of chocolate bars sit in a green liquid.

Get thee behind me, methyl bromide

For anyone out there wondering to what extent the pesticide methyl bromide builds up in our bodies, I offer my recent bromide-detox experience after I switched to organic chocolate. Iodine experiment strangely unproductive Seven months into my iodine experiment, I still couldn’t seem to lower the dose below 100 mg a day without losing its ...


A gold jeweled crown rests on a pile of vitamin pills.

Don’t take folic acid and methylfolate at the same time

Someone on a B12 deficiency discussion group mentioned that he’d found that if he took folic acid (the synthetic version of the naturally-occurring folate) at the same time as methylfolate (a much more bioavailable supplement of folate; AKA Metafolin), he would start to get folate deficiency symptoms, even though he was supplementing it like a ...