
Workstations in a sunny library.

Reading guide

I use my other social media feeds to highlight news items focusing on the effects of nutrition, the environment and prescription drugs on our health. Here are some of the websites I get my info from. Don’t be put off by the Paleo sites if you’re not Paleo — they’re not too self-righteous about it, ...


A path lined with vitamin tablets leads to the horizon.

GABA as a painkiller

Last year I wrote about the abdominal pain that started in 2008 and was a mystery to a dozen doctors. I finally learned to stave off the worst of it by eating small meals, avoiding starches, and not eating after 6 p.m. Eventually things improved and I was able to eat later and later in ...


A Hershey's Kiss is heated on a spoon with a cigarette lighter

All my cravings remembered

(Last updated June 2024.) Starting in junior high, at the latest, I had constant cravings for chocolate. For the most part, they involved a very particular combo of fat, sugar, and cacao. By the time I found workable treatments for the cravings, I had tried a million things to stop them, with little success. About ...


Vitamin capsules in assorted colors.

Supplements can differ in effectiveness by brand

by guest author M.E. Initial success for mild arthritis The first brand of glucosamine sulfate I tried for early arthritis symptoms cleared them up after just a few weeks. It was a “house” brand at a local drugstore chain. Let’s call it Brand A. After a year or two I noticed that the store’s house ...

Waves of pain radiate from the hinge of a skull's jaw

TMJ: a total PIA

I have never been officially diagnosed with TMJ. I’m just assuming that the term applies to the condition I experience every few years or so wherein sitting in one place longer than 20 minutes makes want to rip my jaw out and stomp on it. I keep moving it around, trying to get it to ...


Cracks in the facade of a modern hospital building.

My second alterna-doc disaster

When I was unable to convince my regular alterna-doc that I was hypothyroid, I made the mistake of returning to the only other major alternative medicine practice in town, a Den of Incompetence I had sworn never to visit again. Dr. Dumbass had left the practice and I convinced myself that my earlier experience was ...


Four figures below comment bubbles

Spotting planted product plugs on discussion forums

(Updated July 2024.) In my years of doing online research on alternative health products, I’ve learned that even in the best-run, most closely moderated discussion group, you can find promo copy disguised as user experience. In one example, I strongly suspected that a manufacturer who’d been in business for 40 years, had very little competition, ...