Gray squiggly lines on top of a pastoral landscape.

Riboflavin supplements and eye floaters

As they tend to do occasionally, in 2016 my cursed eye floaters got worse again, but this time I was able to narrow the cause down to riboflavin (vitamin B2) supplements. I found a discussion of this unfortunate tendency in an online floater forum called Floatertalk, where several members had experienced an increase in floaters ...

Four gall bladders

On refusing to part with my gallbladder

by guest author Nancy — Editor’s note: Nancy died in 2021 at age 79, of unrelated causes. — From mild sensitivity to pain worse than childbirth The battle for my gallbladder started in 1999. I was living in Seattle and receiving regular monthly acupuncture treatments from a local practitioner, Yehosha. In my mind that was ...