Articles for tag: frankincense, perfume

Ancient Egyptian painting of women dancing and playing instruments.

Perfume therapy

(Updated April 2023.) After reading Alyssa Harad’s Coming to My Senses, about her discovery of perfume, I was inspired to set forth my own approach toward arming oneself against the world with scent. I rank perfume up there with recorded music and books when it comes to tools for mental health.

A brass incense burner in a church.

OTC psychoactives

In July 2011 Marla at Perfume-Smellin’ Things blogged about perfumes featuring frankincense, a component of incense which, according to a 2008 research study that somehow completely missed me, is a psychoactive agent that can affect depression and anxiety. Apparently history is full of censer-swinging dope fiends: the use of frankincense, aka oliban or olibanum, goes ...