Articles for category: nutritional therapy

List of my supplement reactions caused by induced deficiencies

(Updated Sept 2020.) When I first wrote this post I was still operating under the assumption that my health issues were due to nutritional deficiencies caused by 31 years of undiagnosed celiac disease. Since then I have identified as the culprit systemic inflammation and liver damage caused by lead, mold, and iron poisoning. I spent ...

Gray squiggly lines on top of a pastoral landscape.

Riboflavin supplements and eye floaters

As they tend to do occasionally, in 2016 my cursed eye floaters got worse again, but this time I was able to narrow the cause down to riboflavin (vitamin B2) supplements. I found a discussion of this unfortunate tendency in an online floater forum called Floatertalk, where several members had experienced an increase in floaters ...